Thursday, January 17, 2008


BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Congratulations to:

Maia Ambrosino
Magalí Busso
Ayelén Colombero
Bruno Gauchat
Laila Jalit
Federico Lerda
Milton Pariani
Nicolás Racca
Julieta Tonetti
Jordana Borsarelli
Josefina Dertiano
Diandra Dertiano
Simón Saletti
Dino Seveso

See Promociones of ACI San Vicente

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello!! my name's Graciana Borgarello but i don't like it. So, my friends call me Gra, Graci and the others...
I started english class in 2002.
I like traveling and visiting other towns and i love going to different discos.
I get on well with my sister Victoria, my grandmother and granfather but in general i get on well with everybody in my family.
Mi favourite subjet is language and english!I love languages!
I don't like doing the homework and going to my house early at the weekend. The other days, i go to school.
Aerosmith, Avril Lavigne, Reik, Arjona, Chayanne, and other singers are my favourite ones.
I love their music!
I watch tv but no very much. I prefer watching films, for me,the are very interesing!
I live en San Vicente with my family (mi father, my mother, my brother and my sister) they are very important for me!
I like other things too. For example: i love the computer, sending messages, and soon.
this is my profile!


(by) GRA =)